Confrontation in Congress Looms Over Iran Conflict: Live Updates

Both President Trump and Iranian leaders signaled their willingness to end hostilities.

Kim Lian Lopez

Jan 9, 20201 min read

Speaker Nancy Pelosi before a closed briefing on Iran on Wednesday.

The next battle may be over presidential war powers.

House members plan to vote on Thursday to force President Trump to quickly wind down military action against Iran unless he is given explicit authorization from Congress, said Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Ms. Pelosi made the announcement as lawmakers breathed a sigh of relief on Capitol Hill after Mr. Trump announced he would back away from any military escalation against Tehran.

But congressional Democrats, skeptical of the administration’s case for the drone strike last week that killed Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, said they would press ahead with efforts to rein in the president’s war-making authority.

They said they would move forward with a measure that would require that Mr. Trump cease all military action against Iran within 30 days unless Congress votes to approve it.
